#NorthInnovationWomen 2019 list honours over 300 health innovators
Northern Health Science Alliance announce this year's #NorthInnovationWomen list
8th March 2019
To mark International Women’s Day 2019, the Northern Health Science Alliance has brought together a list of inspirational women making their mark on the world of innovation – particularly in health science.
Following a call on social media for nominations, more than 300 suggestions were submitted by NHSA followers eager to shine the spotlight on deserving friends, colleagues and peers within the health sector and other innovative fields.
Nicola Wilson, NHSA Interim CEO, said: “We are passionate about gender equality and we need to do all we can to promote the amazing women working hard within our sector if we are to inspire future generations to follow us and consider a career in health science.
“At the NHSA we’re fortunate enough to work with some fantastic women who are achieving great things within their fields of work across the North. This is why we were inspired to create a platform where their efforts could be acknowledged.
“We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to #NorthInnovationWomen this year and we’re delighted to have more than 300 people on the list. Many thanks to everyone who nominated someone and well done to all those included.”
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is #BalanceforBetter, which aims to provide a unified direction to guide and galvanize continuous collective action to help forge a more gender-balanced world.
The full #NorthInnovationWomen list is below. If we have missed anyone, please do feel free to tweet us @The_NHSA and we can update the list.
#NorthInnovationWomen 2019
- ‘Anna’, Pharmacist and PhD student based in the North East @AnnaRobPharm
- ‘Blunder Woman’ @pollyperfect77
- ‘Caroline C’, Speech & Language Therapist Sunderland Royal Hospital
- ‘Clare’, Consultant general surgeon, North West England @NWsurgeon
- ‘Jennylea’, Active Case Management Service Lead, Manchester Local Care Organisation @_Jennylea
- ‘Jo’, Registered Nurse working in the NHS in the North West @jomwlever
- ‘Louise’, Manchester Local Care Organisation @cushtylou
- ‘Myrte E-B’, Public Health specialist, Leeds @ElbrookMyrte
- ‘Rebecca’, Public Health Librarian, Public Health Resource Centre Leeds @becksrv
- ‘SCMoyo’, Care Home Support Team Leader, Active Case Manager, Community Nurse, Dementia Champion, based in North West England @thembiem3
- ‘Vineeta’, working in local government public / mental health, inequalities in Leeds @vineetaseh
- “Chorlton Girl”, working in health in Manchester @Gilbeye
- Abigail Patel, Student Representative, RIBA National Council @ampatel_
- Achala Patel, Managing Director, entec health @AchalaPatel
- Alexis Jane Holden, Head of Research Services, University of Central Lancashire @AjholdenJane
- Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health for Gateshead, @AliceWiseman11
- Alicia Ridout, Occupational Therapist and Deputy Director, mHabitat @AliciaRidout
- Alicia Waite, Nurse/Service Manager, Manchester Local Care Organisation @aliciaJoanteres
- Alicja Piotrkowicz, Research Fellow, Leeds Institute of Medical Education @a_piotrkowicz
- ‘Alison J’, GP in South Cumbria @dralisonj
- Alison Lea, GP & Associate Medical Director, Tameside & Glossop IC NHS FT @DrAliLea
- Alison Nicholson, ANP for frailty in MBHT and lead nurse for KendalICC @AlisonN38825005
- Ali Robb, Microbiologist and ICD at Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, Joint Head of School for Laboratory Medicine in the North East @dralirobb
- Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TSA @AlysonScurfield
- Amanda Begley, Director of Innovation & Implementation at UCLPartners, National Director at NHS Accelerator @amanda_begley
- Amanda Doyle, Chief Clinical Officer, Blackpool CCG and Lancashire and South Cumbria STP Lead @amandadoylegp
- Amanda Ellison, neuroscientist, author, Professor in the Department of Psychology at Durham University @ellison_brain
- Amy Wright, Customer Success Manager, Datatrial @amy_cwr
- Andrea Baldwin, Network Director for LSC Critical Care & Major Trauma ODN @andreabaldwin
- Andrea Burdess Chapman, Critical Care Outreach Nurse Practitioner, City Hospitals Sunderland @AndreaBurdess
- Angela Birt, Industry Operations Manager at NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria @BirtAngie
- Angela Douglas MBE, Deputy Chief Scientific Officer, NHS England
- Angela Wadmore, Divisional General Manager at City Hospitals Sunderland @AngGillham
- Ann Fox, Executive Director of Nursing , Quality and Safety Sunderland CCG, Visiting Professor at Sunderland University @Fox4Ann
- Anna Byrom, Midwife, Byrom and Byrom Midwives @ACBmidwife
- Anna Hartley, Director of Public Health, Wakefield Council @annaghartley
- Anne Cooper, Registered Nurse based in Yorkshire, Chief Clinical Digital Officer at mHabitat @Anniecoops
- Anthea Mould, Head of AHP/Pharmacy and CI, NIHR CRN @antheamould
- Arabella Onslow, GP in Cumbria @DrBellyButton
- Bana Shriky @Bradford_ENG University of Bradford
- Becky Taylor-Rossall, NHS communications & engagement professional in Lancashire @BTRossall
- Bev Frankland, Risk & Inquest Manager, City Hospitals Sunderland @BevFrankland
- Bev, Senior Occupational Therapist/Team Lead in Manchester area @drogeyb
- Binita Kane, Consultant Respiratory Physician Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Lead Respiratory Integration at Health Innovation Manchester @BinitaKane
- Boo Virk, Co-founder of Magnitude Biosciences @bv208
- Cairen Ball, Business Development Lead – Nervecentre Software @Digital_Cair
- Cara Afzal, Senior Programme Development Lead, Health and Implementation, Health Innovation Manchester @Cara_W_Afzal
- Carly Brown, Lead Research Nurse, South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust @carlybrown8
- Carol Holland, Professor in Ageing, Lancaster University @CarolHolland286
- Carol Kavanagh, M/CR Community Response Lead – North, Manchester Local Care Organisation @CarolK_MCRNorth
- Carol_Culley, Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer, Manchester City Council @carol_culley
- Caroline Clarke, chief executive Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust @RFLchiefexec
- Caroline C’, Speech & Language Therapist Sunderland Royal Hospital @Caroline_C1990
- Caroline Docking, Director of Communications and Engagement, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @carolinedocNHS
- Caroline Kenyon, Director of Comms and Engagement, Innovation Agency Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast @carokenyon
- Caroline Rudland, Clinical Instrumentation Lead Physicist, City Hospitals Sunderland @carolinerudland
- Cath Roff, Director of Adult Social Services, Leeds City Council @cath_roff
- Catherine Hayes, Reader in Health Professions Pedagogic Practice, Associate Professor at University of Sunderland @DrCatherHayes
- Catherine Ward, Public Mental Health Lead, Public Health, Leeds City Council @cathbeany
- Cemsel Bafligil, Researcher, university of Manchester @CemselB
- Ceri Batchelder, owner at Connect&Create, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at The University of Sheffield @ceribatchelder
- Charlotte Fox, Innovation Manager, Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @CharlotteFox22
- Charlotte Lewis, Commercial Health Lawyer, Mills & Reeve @charlmchugh
- Charlotte Stockton, Project Manager and Co-chair of the Research Programme and Project Managers’ Network in the North West of England @LottiesLoaves
- Christina King, Business Development Manager, faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University @ChristinaEKing
- Cindy Daltioni, Founder and CEO at SAFA Cumbria @daltioni
- Cindy Fedell, NHS CIO Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT & West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership @CindyFedell
- Claire Boylan, Nurse at Sunderland Royal Hospital (Elder Life Specialist Practitioner/Delirium and Dementia Outreach Team) @clboylan30
- Claire Graham, Research Operations Manager – Medical Technology, MedConnectNorth @claireNENC
- Claire Horsfield, Quality Improvement Lead Nurse, Lancashire and South Cumbria Critical Care Network @clairehors
- Claire Livingstone, leading and facilitating research @STFTrust
- Claire Rutherford, Director at DefinitionIP (Newcastle)
- Claire Sullivan, public health professional, PHE North East @72ClaireS
- Claire Tomkinson, Strategic Lead for Collaboration, Manchester Community Central @what_claire_did
- Clare Tolley, Research Assistant, Newcastle University @ClareLTolley
- Cordelle Mbeledogu, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Manchester Health & Care Commissioning and Manchester Local Care Organisation @doctorcordelle
- Corina De-Botte, Partner Manager, Servelec @CorinaJDeBotte
- Daisy Lord, Senior IMC physiotherapist, North Manchester Care Organisation @daisy_may_lord
- Dame Jackie Daniel, CEO, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @JackieDanielNHS
- Dany Bell, Registered Nurse, Specialist Advisor – Treatment and Recovery at Macmillan Cancer Support @DaBell5
- Dawn Harris, Health Development Coordinator – Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield @DawnHealthDev
- Dawn Lawson, Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool Health Partners @lawson_dawn
- Debbie Parkinson, Patient & Public Involvement Lead for Innovation Agency AHSN North West Coast @talktodebbie
- Delia Clarke, GP Nurse Partner, Premier Health Team @DeliaClarke
- Diane Gulliver, Stroke Specialist Nurse, City Hospitals Sunderland @dianegulliver
- Dr Alice McCloskey, Clinical pharmacist and lecturer, Newcastle University @DrAliceMcC
- Dr Amanda Lamb, COO of Connected Health Cities @waltzinglamb
- Dr Amanda Thornton, Digital Health Clinical Lead, Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS @mandalou172
- Dr Avril McCarthy, MedTech Lead & Clinical Scientist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Devices for Dignity MIC @AvrilDMcCarthy
- Dr Claire Smith, Head of Operations, Connected Health Cities @clairepanes82
- Dr Corinna Slawinski, Clinical Research Training Fellow, University of Manchester @cslawinski1
- Dr Danielle Miles, Technology Innovation Manager working in the Leeds City Region @Dr_D_Miles
- Dr Eleanor Jones, part of the North West #WombWarriors – working to improve the lives of women affected by womb cancer through world-leading clinical care, research and innovation @DrEleanorJones
- Dr Emma Lim, Consultant Paediatrician, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @ejlim8
- Dr Emma Vardy, Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Dementia Lead, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Dementia lead at Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks @emmavardy2
- Dr Gem Wheeler, Design Researcher based at Lab4Living, Sheffield @gem_wheeler
- Dr Joanna Choukeir, Health Director FutureGov, Founder of DesignMyFamilyTree.com, MDes Design for Social Innovation Course Lead at Ravensbourne University London @JoannaChoukeir
- Dr Julia Reynolds, Associate Director for CHC and Head of Programmes at Innovation Agency – AHSN for the North West Coast @JulsReynolds
- Dr Kate Allatt, Internationally published author, TEDx speaker, business, health and social care motivational & inspirational speaker and advocate @KateAllatt
- Dr Lamiece Hassan, Public Engagement & Involvement Manager, the University of Manchester @LamieceHassan
- Dr Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lecturer at University of Huddersfield @Leannejane1975
- Dr Luisa Motta, consultant dermatopathologist at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Vanguard Innovation’s clinical lead for the digital pathology project
- Dr Maggie Westby, Research Fellow, The University of Manchester @magg_lm
- Dr Mandy Dixon, Health engagement and innovation at Lancaster University @mandydixon100
- Dr Moi Hoon Yap, Royal Society Industry Fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University @moihoonyap
- Dr Muzlifah Haniffa, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Newcastle University, Honorary Consultant Dermatologist at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @Muzz_Haniffa
- Dr Rachel Lindley, GP and Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Manchester. @lindapedia
- Dr Raechelle D’Sa, Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Biomaterials, University of Liverpool
- Dr Samar Betmouni, Neuropathologist/ Director of Clinical Pathology, University of Bradford @bradford_pathol
- Dr Sandeep Ranote, Consultant Child Psychiatrist, Medical Director, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Service Delivery Centre Lead, Visiting Professor in Mental Health at University of Chester and University of Salford @DrSRanote
- Dr Sara Munro, CEO at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @munro_sara
- Dr Sarah Slight, Reader in Pharmacy, Newcastle University, and Project Lead behind Northern AHEAD @sarahpslight
- Dr Sherry Kothari, Director of Lancaster University’s Health Innovation Campus @SherryKothari
- Dr Stephanie Steels, Lecturer in Social Work, Leeds
- Dr Una Adderley, Lecturer in Community Nursing at the University of Leeds, National Wound Care Strategy Programme Director at AHSN Network @UAdderley
- Dr Victoria Betton, Founder mHabitat @VictoriaBetton
- Dr Victoria Palin, Health Informatician, Connected Health Cities @v1kki_p
- Dr Wing Man Lau, Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at Newcastle University @WingManLau1
- Dr Yitka Graham, Senior Lecturer in Health Services and NHS Engagement, Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHP) Strategic Research Lead at South Tyneside and City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trusts, BOMSS Research Lead, Specialty Group Lead for Health Services Research for NIHR NENC CRN @dr_yitkagraham
- Dr Zoe Picton Howell, Solicitor and Associate Lecturer/PBL Tutor, University of York @4AdsthePoet
- Eleanor Garnett-Bentley, Consultant in Public Health passionate about population health improving health and care at scale across the North West @gb_eleanor
- Elaine Warburton OBE, Entrepreneur, humanitarian, CEO and co-founder QuantuMDx Group @elainewarburton
- Elizabeth Stanley, Partnerships Specialist, Wraparound Partnership @ElizStanley_
- Emma Cheshire, passionate about Tech4Good and civic-tech creativity, working at FutureGov @germinates
- Emma Crosbie, Academic Gynaecological Cancer Surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital, University of Manchester @DrEmmaCrosbie
- Emma Flynn, Directorate Manager, Manchester Local Care Organisation @EmmaSFlynn
- Emma Gillespie, Innovation and Business, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust @emma_g84
- Emma K Stanmore, Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester @EmmaStanmore
- Emma McClay, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer’s Clinical Fellow, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, based in Newcastle @Emma_McClay
- Emma Pimlott, GP, Lifestyle Medicine Advocate British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Physical Activity Champion at PHE UK, Clinical Lecturer The University of Manchester @DrEmmaPimlott
- Emma Sahgal, Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester @emmasahgal
- Emma Strachan, Public Health Specialist in Leeds @emmastrachan2
- Emma Thorpe, Senior Research Project Manager at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust @ethorpe76
- Erica Sullivan, community nurse in medical education in Manchester @Ericasul
- Esme Ward, Director at Manchester Museum @ward_esme
- Esther Lim, Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at University of Central Lancashire @limes_e
- Euodias Asuelime, Manchester @EuodiasAsuelime
- Eve Holt, Director at Happen Together CIC, Councillor, Manchester City Council @evefrancisholt
- Eve Roodhouse, Chief Officer, Economic Development, at Leeds City Council @eveyroo
- Fauzia Paize, Consultant Neonatologist, Liverpool @fauziapaize
- Faye Bruce, Chair of the Caribbean and African Health Network Greater Manchester, Senior Lecturer in Nursing and Programme Lead in the Department of Nursing at Manchester Metropolitan University, Doctoral researcher – health inequalities @FayeBruce17
- Faye Wright, Ward Manager, South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust @faye_wright_
- Fazeela Hanif, Manager at Highfields Community Association
- Fiona Lobban, Professor in Clinical Psychology, Codirector of Spectrum Centre, Lancaster University @fionalobban
- Foluke Ajayi, NHS Chief Operating Officer, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust @FolukeAjayiNHS
- Fozia Ahmed, Consultant Cardiologist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @foziaahmedMD
- Gemma Dyer, Public Sector Partnerships at The Prince’s Trust, Vice-chair at Culture Bridge NE, Clore Social Fellow @GD8282
- Gill Norman, Researcher in evidence synthesis, University of Manchester @GN_ARC
- Gill Phillips, Catalyst for change in health & social care. Creator of Whose Shoes? Coproduction tool helping people work together to improve lives @WhoseShoes
- Gill Smith, Sheffield @hope__house
- Gilly Lee, Neighbourhood Lead RN Queen’s Nurse, Manchester Local Care Organisation @gillylee
- Glenys Marriott, Chair Headway South Cumbria and Cumbria Neurological Alliance, Trustee Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust @cumpstonarchive
- Hamde Nazar, Senior Lecturer Pharmacy Practice and MPharm Programme Director at Newcastle University @NazarHamde
- Hannah Beba, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust @bananabeba
- Hannah Davies, Head of External and Public Affairs, Northern Health Science Alliance @PRJournoHannahD
- Hannah Howe, Leeds
- Hayley Citrine, CEO at the Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust @CitrineHayley
- Hazel Maria Jones, Apps & Wearables Programme Director at NHS Digital @hazelmjones
- Heather Henry, Independent Queen’s Nurse & entrepreneur, Founder of BreathChamps and BreathStars @HeatherHenry4
- Heather Murton, Head of Clinical Assay, QuantuMDx @Heather612M
- Heather Rice, Assistant Director of Research, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust @Heather1RDaSH
- Helen Caddick-Regan, @MissCadd
- Helen Chapman, District nurse, Head of integrated community care at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @Helench62814089
- Helen Ibbott, work in the Greater Manchester health & social care system @HJIbbott
- Helen Kay, Operations Director at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @KHelenkay
- Helen Richardson, a consultant surgeon now dedicated to encouraging a greater knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the natural world through Make It Wild @dr_helenc
- Helena O’Flynn, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow and GP, University of Manchester @DrHelenaOFlynn
- Iolanthe Fowler, GP, CD integrated community care/primary care interface services, Sheffield @IolantheFowler
- Jackie Oldham, founder Director of MIMIT and Director of Health Innovation for Manchester’s Oxford Road Corridor @oldhammimit
- Jacqueline Andrews, Director of Research & Innovation, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust @Andrewsjackie1
- Jane Douthwaite, Registered Midwife, award-winning healthcare change agent, PhD student, based in the North East @JaneDouthwaite
- Jane Grimshaw, Deputy Director Of Nursing, Wythenshawe, Trafford, Withington & Altrincham, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @himynameisjaneg
- Jane McAllister, Senior Neighbourhood Health Worker at buzz, Manchester Health and Well-being Service @Janemcal20
- Jane McDermott, Healthy Ageing Programme Development Manager at Ageing Better, Policy Research Unit Older People Manager at University of Manchester @janemcdermott26
- Jane Tomkinson, Chief Executive, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital @janetomkinson07
- Jane Wilcock, GP in Salford and author of General Practice Today: A Practical Guide to Modern Consultations @janewilcock
- Janine Dyson, Lead Nurse, Independent Care Sector, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership @x_dyson
- Jeanette Scott-Thomas, Director of nursing, quality and safety, South Tyneside CCG @JeanetteScott99
- Jemma Fenwick, Research Operations Manager, NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria @jem_086
- Jen Gilroy-Cheetham, works for the Innovation Agency and is a patient advocate, based in the North West @gilroy19
- Jennifer Korn, Team Lead/Lead Physiotherapist, North Manchester Community Neuro Rehab Team @JenniferKorn2
- Jennifer Neff, Co CEO and Co Founder of Elemental @jenkohan
- Jenny Clarke, Midwife Speaker @JennytheM
- Jess Radcliffe Craggs, Accelerating Digital Programme Manager NIHR CRN @JessCRN_AD
- Jo Connolly, Divisional Nurse Director for Children and Young People and Critical Care at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust @JoConnolly_
- Jo Dixon-Hardy, Director of Innovation at University of Leeds, Executive and Business Coach @JoDixonHardy
- Jo Dumville, Applied Health Researcher, University of Manchester @dumvillej
- Jo Garland, Clinical Lead, infinityhealth @GarlandJo
- Jo Hart, Reader in health professional education a University of Manchester @jonijojo
- Jo Webster, Chief Officer & Strategic Leader for Heath & Care, Wakefield CCG @JoWebb05
- Jo-Anne Wass, Director of Health Partnerships at University of Leeds
- Joanna Bircher, GP at Lockside Medical Centre, Tameside @joannabircherQI
- Joanne Reeve, cited as a “Northern innovator for health” by nominator @janewilcock – . @joannereeve
- Jodie Hill, MD of Thrive Law @iamjodiehill
- Jodie Keyworth, Manager at Sheffield NIHR Biomedical Research Centre @jodie_keyworth
- Joy Wharton, Lead Palliative Care Advanced Nurse, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust @JoyWharton1
- Judith Blake, Labour councillor for Middleton Park ward, Leader of Leeds City Council @cllrjudithblake
- Julie Bretland, CEO at Our Mobile Health @JulieBretland
- Julie McDonald, Deputy Director of Nursing, City Hospitals Sunderland @JulieMcCHS
- Juliet Graves, Educational Consultant, Juliet Graves Consultancy @julietg75
- Juliette Kumar, Associate Director Improvement & Education at Innovation Agency – AHSN for the North West Coast @JulietteKumar
- June Roberts, Associate Director Transformation, Consultant Nurse, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust @skimmingstones1
- Justine Andrew, Leeds
- Justine Smith, Senior Strategic Manager, CRN North East and North Cumbria @justine_smith3
- Karen Bloor, Health Economist at the University of York @KBloor
- Karen Green, Allied Health Professional Lead, South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust @greenAHP
- Karen Horridge, Disability Paediatrician in Sunderland @KarenHorridge
- Karen Partington, Chief Executive of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @PartingtonKaren
- Karen Sheard, Head of Nursing, South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust @karensheard24
- Karina Lovell, @karina_lovell
- Karla Rimaitis, Project Manager for Improvement and Education, Innovation Agency – AHSN for the North West Coast @KRimaitis
- Karmini McCann, Assistant Director of Workforce, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust @KarminiMcCann
- Kate Ardern, director of public health at Wigan Council @KateAlvanley
- Kat Parmar, ST7 Colorectal Surgery, Surgical Cancer Research Fellow, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust @KatParmar
- Kate Warriner, Programme Director – Global Digital Exemplar, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust @katewarriner
- Katherine Parker, General Practice Nurse at Alvanley Family Practice in Manchester @kathparker75
- Kathryn Common, Communications Manager at the Great North Care Record @kathryncommon
- Katy Calvin-Thomas, Director of Strategy, Manchester Local Care Organisation @KatyCalvinT
- Kerry Jackson, Chief Executive, St Gemma’s Hospice, Leeds @StGemmasKerry
- Kirstie Stott, Director of the Inspiring Leaders Network @kirsti79
- Kuldeep Sohal, Programme Manager, Connected Yorkshire, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust @kulkaursohal
- Laura Boyd, Deputy Director, NHS Innovation Accelerator at UCLPartners @lauraisinlondon
- Laura Jane Evans, Sheffield-based professional lead Occupational Therapist @LauraJaneEvans5
- Laura Rooney, Associate Director of Communications, Health Innovation Manchester @LauraRooney24
- Leeann Monk Ozgul, Co-CEO & Co-Founder at Elemental @LEE_Elemental
- Lenore Ogilvy, Strategy Consultant at ConBrio Associates, Non Executive Director at The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust @lenore_ogilvy
- Libby Horridge, Community Nursing Matron, Manchester Local Care Organisation @LibbyPDM
- Linda Tinkler, Trust Lead, NMAHP Research, Education & Practice Development at The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @TinkleLin
- Linda Vernon, Digital Leader Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, MSK physio, Coach @VernonLinda
- Lindsey Roome, Programme Manager, Healthier Lancashire & South Cumbria @roome_lindsey
- Lis Boulton, Researcher at University of Manchester,@DrLisBoulton
- Lisa Butland, Chief Executive of Age UK (Calderdale & Kirklees) @ButlandLisa
- Lisa Drake, NHS Manager & Digital Advisor, Cumbria @annalise2406
- Lisa Hill, Lisa Hill, Innovation Development Manager Translate: Medical Technologies, Leeds
- Lisa Miles, Operations Manager at the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre @Lisa_M_Miles
- Lisa Simmons, Clinical Implementation Manager, ORCHA @_LisaSimmons
- LisCManc, Health Psychologist, University of Manchester @LisCordingley
- Lise Sproson, Clinical Researcher & SLT, Devices for Dignity MIC @LiseSproson
- Liz Ashall-Payne, CEO & Co-Founder ORCHA @LizAshallPayne
- Liz Breen, Reader in Health Service Operations, University of Bradford @LizBreen14
- Liz Mear, Chief Executive, Innovation Agency – AHSN for the North West Coast @MearLiz
- Liz Pryde, Programme Manager at Devices for Dignity @Pryde1978
- Lizzie Twelves, Organisational Improvement and Management Consultant, Twello Limited @lizzie12s
- Lou Englefield, Director of Pride Sports @LouEnglefield
- Louise Barker, Communications and Engagement Manager for Digital & Population Health, Healthier Lancashire & South Cumbria @louisebarker
- Louise Brady, Nurse Lead Primary & Community Care, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership @louisebrady17
- Louise Darlington, Therapy Lead for Crumpsall Vale Intermediate Care Unit (Manchester Community Response North) @LouiseDarlingt3
- Louise Sinclair, Co-Founder of One Healthtech @louisesinclair
- Lucie Byrne-Davis, Lead for behavioural insights at Manchester Implementation Science Collaboration, Health Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Assessment and Psychometrics at University of Manchester @luciebd
- Lyndsay Pearce, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at Salford Royal Hospital @lyndsay_pearce1
- Lynn Moffat, Independent Healthcare and IT Consultant, Sheffield @LynnMoffatEng
- Lynne Corner, Director of Engagement, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University
- Madeleine Bevan, Clinical Lead for Active Case Managers, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @bevan_madeleine
- Madeleine Murtagh, Professor of Sociology and Bioethics, Newcastle University @murtagh_mj
- Manisha Kumar, GP, Executive Clinical Director of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning @doctormkumar
- Maxine Mackintosh ,Co-founder One Healthtech @Maxi_Macki
- Melanie Hey, CEO, Keighley Healthy Living
- Melanie Johnson, Director of Nursing Midwifery and AHPs, South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust @JohnsonMelm
- Melanie Robertson, Consultant Nurse in Oncology, Cancer Lead Clinician, End of life Trust lead and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Sunderland @RobertsoMelanie
- Michelle Henderson, public health nurse working in health protection PHE @mhendersonnurse
- Michelle MacKintosh, part of the North West #WombWarriors – working to improve the lives of women affected by womb cancer through world-leading clinical care, research and innovation @drmlmackintosh
- Michelle Proudman, Specialist Nurse Manager, Manchester Local Care Organisation @Michelleproudma
- Morag Burton, COO at NIHR CRN NENC @morag_burton
- Mrs. Deepali Varma, Teresa Fortune, Claire Burn, Katherine Ashby @Innovation_STSH
- Naomi Davies @Naomiworldz
- Nardia Lloyd-Ashton, Manchester Local Care Organisation, and AQuA Leadership for Improvement Fellow 18/19 @Nardia_Joy
- Nasra Alam, Surgical trainee, current PhD student at the University of Manchester @NasraAlam
- Nat Jones, Head of Occupational Therapy at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Research Fellow at NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber @natlouj
- Nicky Cullum, Head of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work at University of Manchester @nicolacullum
- Nicky Runeckles, Founding Director at Monticola Consulting Ltd @nickyruneckles
- Nicola Calder, Clinical Adviser, Health Education England @NicolaCalder7
- Nicola Heron, Head of Collaborative R&D, Medicines Discovery Catapult @herond4d
- Nicola Wesley, Deputy Chief Executive at the Academic Health Science Network North East North Cumbria @NicolaWesley
- Nicola Wilson, Interim CEO at the Northern Health Science Alliance @NicWils68
- Nikki Stubbs, Professional Lead for Nursing, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust @nikkistubbs11
- Pam Essler, Chair, Keighley Healthy Living
- Pauline Whelan, Co-Director, CAMHS.Digital, @_PaulineWhelan
- Pauline Wonders, Strategic Director at Family Gateway @Paulinewonders
- Penny Williams, Research Delivery Manager, Clinical Research Network for the North East and North Cumbria @paw_555
- Peta Stross, Head of Integration – Manchester Local Care Organisation @PETASTROSS
- Phil Corrigan
- Philippa Hedley-Takhar, Business Development Manager, Devices for Dignity @piphedley
- Pip Goff, Partnerships Director, Leeds Community Foundation @pipgoff
- Prof Rachel Williams, Professor of Ophthalmic Bioengineering, University of Liverpool
- Prof Sheena Cruickshank, Immunologist and Academic Lead for PE, University of Manchester @sheencr
- Prof. Laura Serrant OBE, Professor of Nursing, International Speaker, Independent consultant, mentor, coach @lauraserrant
- Professional Engagement Lead, Connected Health Cities North East and North Cumbria @NetworkLouise
- Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer
- Professor Jo Martin, President at Royal College of Pathologists
- Professor Karen Eleanor Gracey Sage, Professor for Allied Health Professions (Research) at Sheffield Hallam University @KarenSage15
- Professor Lisa Roberts, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation, University of Leeds
- Professor Rachel Cooper OBE, Professor of Design Management and Policy at Lancaster University, Director of ImaginationLancaster @RachelFDCooper
- Professor Ruth Roberts, Director and Cofounder, ApconiX
- Professor Wendy Tindale OBE, Clinical Director at Devices for Dignity, Consultant Clinical Scientist and Scientific Director at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals @WendyT_99
- Rachel Agbeko, Consultant Paediatric Intensivist, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @RachelAgbeko
- Rachel Brennan, Homeless Health Service Manager, Urban Village Medical Practice @missrmbrennan
- Rachel Dukes, working in public health and reducing harm from substance misuse in Leeds @dukes_rachel
- Rachel Dunscombe, CEO NHS Digital Academy, Director of Digital Salford Royal + Northern Care Alliance, Visiting Professor Imperial College @ukpenguin
- Rachael Moses, Consultant Respiratory Physio, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals @rachaelmoses
- Rachel Smith, Physiotherapist, Stockport @rphysiosmith
- Rachel Thompson, Project Manager, Connected Health Cities @rachel_e_t
- Ramona Duguid, Director of Integration at North Cumbria Integrated Health and Care System @RamonaRCD
- Rebecca Charlwood, Moortown & Meanwood Labour Councillor, Executive Board Member – Health, Wellbeing and Adults and Chair – Health & Wellbeing Board at Leeds City Council @beckycharlwood
- Rebecca Fish, trainee colorectal surgeon and founder member of the North West Research Collaborative @Beccajfish
- Rehana Begum, Transformation Consultant, NHS Transformation Unit @rehana_begum9
- Ruth Boaden, Director NIHR CLAHRC Greater Manchester @RuthBoaden
- Ruth Bromley, GP, Lead for Ethics & Law at Manchester Medical School, Chair of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning @MMS_ethics
- ‘Ruth’ @RuthDurhamruth7
- Ruth Edwards, Head of Professional Experience Aston Pharmacy School @RuthEdwards101
- Ruth Kettle, CEO of Inspire North @RuthKettle1
- Ruth Norris, Head of Strategic Relations, Connected Health Cities @ruthlady
- Ruth Norris, PhD Student at Newcastle University (Institute of Health & Society and School of Pharmacy) – researching health inequalities @ruthpnorris
- Ruth Wilcox, Director of the Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering; Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Leeds
- Sabrina Eltringham, Speech and Language Therapist, The Stroke Association Postgraduate research fellow @SabrinaEltringh
- Saira Arif, NHS Digital Pioneer Fellow @iamSaira
- Salma Yasmeen, Director of Strategy, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @SalmaYasmeen_1
- Sam Lacey, North West @Samlacey261
- Sam Prince, Executive Director of Operations and Transformation, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust @SamlizprinceSam
- Sandra Bucci, Academic Clinical Psychologist, Division of Psychology and Mental Health, The University of Manchester @sbucci76
- Sarah Black, Event Manager, Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @saztaz11
- Sarah Cartmell, Professor of Bioengineering at The University of Manchester @sespops
- Sarah Duff, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust @SarahDuff3
- Sarah Fatchett, Founder and MD at 365 Response @SFatchett
- Sarah Johns, Business Development Manager, Blackburn with Darwen Healthy Living
- Sarah Rodgers, Health Geographer, Professor of Health Informatics, University of Liverpool @GeographySarah
- Sarah Thew, Consultant / Freelance User Researcher at Story Book UX Limited @Sarri
- Sharon Foster @Sharonfosterle2
- Sharon Stothard, Respiratory Nurse Specialist, City Hospitals Sunderland @sharstothard
- Sharron Brown, Innovation Portfolio Co-ordinator South Tees LRI
- Sharyn Travers, Behavioural Specialist – Children & Young People’s Champion. Stockport @strav18
- Sheena Byrom, Consultant Midwife @SagefemmeSB
- Sheila O’Loughlin, Senior Advisor & Global Lead, Life Sciences, Enterprise Ireland @ei_sheilsco
- Shirley Hannan, Research Manager at the Northern Health Science Alliance @ShirleyHannan
- Shoshana Bloom, Business strategy consultant to healthcare companies, Manchester @sbloomconsults
- Sonia Edwards, @SoniaEdwards2
- Sonya Cullington, Consultant Communications / Public Affairs passionate about integrated healthcare comms @quizeecal
- Sophie Wallington, Advanced Physiotherapist Practitioner, Crisis Response, The Pennine Acute NHS Hospitals Trust @sophie_ACP
- Sue Capstick, Registered Nurse, Queen’s Nurse, Lancaster @thinkingtime
- Sue Clarke @sueec68
- Sue Dunkerton OBE, Director, Knowledge Transfer Network @Sue_Dunkerton
- Sue Pownall, Head of Sheffield Adult SLT Service, Honorary Professor at Sheffield Hallam University and the Academic Director for the Therapeutics and Palliative Care Directorate in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @pownall_sue
- Sue Smith, Executive Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay @SueSmithDN
- Susan Blundell, Health Improvement Principal, Leeds City Council @susan_blundell
- Susan Matthews, Vascular Specialist Podiatrist in The Manchester Leg Circulation Service @suematpad
- Susannah Penney, head and neck surgeon, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @SusannahPenney
- Suzanne Mason, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield @ProfSueMason
- Tahmina Rokib, Pharmacist, Clinical Lead, Digital Medicines at NHS Digital @TRokib
- Tara Case, CEO, Ways to Wellness @TaraTCase
The Honeysuckle Team, providing support & care after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, compassionate induction, stillbirth & neonatal death at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust @honeysucklelwh - Thea Stein, Chief Executive of Leeds Community Healthcare Trust @Thea_Stein
- Tracey Vell MBE, GP, Chief Executive Manchester LMC, Clinical Director Health Innovation Manchester ,Associate Lead Primary Care Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership @TraceyVell
- Tracey Watson, Chief Information Officer, Northern Care Alliance @TraceyWatsonNHS
- Tracy Walker, Rehabilitation Services Manager, Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust @Tracywa01126434
- Val Stangoe, CEO at St Mary’s Hospice, Ulverston @seniorteamsmh
- Vanessa Garrity, mental health nurse, healthcare consultant and director of Sociable Angels @VanessaLGarrity
- Vanitha Sivalingam, Subspeciality Trainee in Gynaecological Oncology, University of Manchester @drvsivalingam
- Vee Mapunde, Programme Manager for NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative @trailblazer1980
- Vicki Beere, CEO at Project 6, a drug and alcohol charity in West Yorkshire @VickiBeere
- Vicki Howarth, Clinical Director of Clinical Support Services – Tameside NHS Foundation Trust @DrVickiHowarth
- Victoria Eaton, Chief Officer/Consultant in Public Health, Leeds City Council @eatonspringside
- Yvette Oade, Chief Medical Officer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals
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