NIHR Northern Biomedical Research Centres' showcase, March 6
NIHR Northern Biomedical Research Centre showcase
22nd January 2018
WHERE: Manchester Citylabs
WHEN: March 6, 2018
WHAT: Industry showcase for the Northern NIHR Biomedical Research Centres
WHO: NIHR leads, BRC centre leaders, universities and industry
Are you part of an innovative science-based healthcare company? Are you interested in translating innovative research into practice?
After the successful awarding of Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) funding to four centres across the North a showcase event for industry is being held by the Northern Health Science Alliance and National Institute for Health Research on March 6.
Join this unique opportunity to speak to the Northern NIHR Biomedical Research Centres and leading universities, on how they can support translational research through: funding partnerships, clinical research projects, access to clinical research, facilities and expertise and evaluation and testing of products.
The NIHR BRCs in the North support commercial and investigator led translational and experimental medicine research in:
Ageing and Long-Term Conditions (incl. dementia, hearing health, liver disease and neuromuscular disease)
Cancer (advanced radiotherapy, prevention and early detection, and precision medicine)
Musculoskeletal Diseases (incl. inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis and connective tissue diseases )
Inflammatory Conditions (incl. respiratory, dermatology and skin and oral disease)
Translational Neuroscience (neuroinflammation, cerebrovascular neurology and neurodegeneration)
The Northern BRCs are among 20 NIHR BRCs providing nationally leading expertise in clinical trials, health economics, informatics, data science, imaging and biomarker discovery platforms.
To attend or for more information email Shirley.Hannan@thenhsa.co.uk
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