Challenge to find new ideas for healthy longevity
Researchers invited to apply for fund that aims to inspire innovations to improve the quality of life for people as they age.
21st January 2020
OPPORTUNITY: for researchers with early-stage innovative ideas that align with UKRI Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund vision for the Healthy Ageing Challenge. This opportunity is particularly aimed at non-biotech innovations and of particular relevance to researchers in design, technology and social science fields.
The competition is open to UK academics at a variety of career stages and from any disciplinary background. Award is for £62,500 to fund the staff time and resources needed to meet a key milestone that demonstrates the potential of their idea. In addition UKRI are commissioning a programme of support and will fund international travel. They expect that this initial investment will put awardees in a strong position to secure further support to take their idea forward, whether that be a business case to secure funding to commercialise their idea or a case to fund further research.
The initial application is a light touch format of no more that 3 sides. For more information please see:
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