New Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Hannah Davies, comments on the appointment of the new Health and Social Care Secretary
26th October 2022
“The NHSA welcomes the appointment of Steve Barclay as the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
There are serious challenges within Mr Barclay’s portfolio that need addressing. Mr Barclay’s first job must be to publish the long-awaited Health Disparities White Paper. It’s vital we have a joined up, cross government approach to tackle the factors that cause ill health such as poverty, poor housing, job insecurity and education. With the cost-of-living crisis and more people living in poverty we need to see urgent action to address entrenched inequalities across the North which are primarily due to the long-term effects of economic disadvantage at population level.
Our research shows that children in the North get an unfair deal; more likely to live in poverty, suffer ill health and have lower educational attainment than the rest of the UK. Our recently launched, Child of the North APPG (in partnership with the N8) explores how to build a fairer future for children across the North of England, Post COVID -19.
We must see significant and joined up policies from government that address Health inequalities and ensure everyone, regardless of where they are born can live a long and healthy life.”
Hannah Davies, Health Inequalities Lead, The Northern Health Science Alliance.
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