#NorthInnovationWomen 2025 list revealed

We are shining the spotlight on hundreds of innovative women today - on International Women’s Day - as we publish the annual #NorthInnovationWomen list

8th March 2025

The Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) have published a list of over 400 women who are pushing the boundaries of innovation in their sectors to mark International Women’s Day on March 8, 2025.

The #NorthInnovationWomen campaign, back for its seventh year, provides an informal and supportive platform for women to be acknowledged and celebrated.

The social media campaign relies on social media users to suggest women they want to see included in the list – there are no strict criteria or voting systems. This year’s list features hundreds of women who are achieving great things and inspiring those around them across the North of England, as recommended by our LinkedIn, BlueSky and X followers.

For this year’s campaign, we will be inspiring suggestions through our Health Equity North Woman of the North (WoTN) work by encouraging the celebration of those working to fight inequalities that affect northern women.

The WoTN report, which was launched last September in Parliament, lays bare the unequal challenges faced by women in our regions. We encourage social media users to use the report’s themes to inspire suggestions of women working to address some of the areas and issues touched upon in the report, which include: poverty; women’s health; education; pregnancy and reproductive health; sexual health; mental health; domestic violence; marginalised women.

Hannah Davies, Chief Executive of the Northern Health Science Alliance, said: “This is a record breaking number of recommendations for North Innovation Women, and I want to thank everyone who supported the campaign. This year, we used our Woman of the North work to inspire recommendations and it’s clear just how hard people are working to fight the wide-ranging inequalities that women face throughout their lives. Congratulations to everyone who made the list, the breadth and range of women is not only inspirational, but is indicative of the talent we have here in the North of England.”

International Women’s Day is a global day, marked annually on March 8, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Find out more about the day and how to support, at: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/

All #NorthInnovationWomen who have been named on our list can download the graphic below to share on their social media channels:


*NOTE: Names and job information listed below have been taken from Twitter bios and/or from details included in the post of the person making the recommendation.

* If we have missing any of your #NorthInnovationWomen off the list, please do get in touch and we will update the list. Either tweet us or email charlotte.thompson@thenhsa.co.uk

The NHSA are proud to present #NorthInnovationWomen 2025 


Abigail Durrant / Professor of Interaction Design at Open Lab / Newcastle University

Adele Marston / Clinical Lead – PCN Peer Support Mental Health Team / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Adrienne Robinson / Community Mental Health Development Worker / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Ai Lyn Tan / Associate Professor and Director for Research / University of Leeds

Aisha Purvis / Founder / Sensmart

Alexis Darby / Head of Public Affairs / The Northern Health Science Alliance

Alice Butler / North East and North Cumbria Local Maternity and Neonatal System lead digital midwife / Gateshead Health NHS FT

Aline Miller / Professor – University of Manchester and Director / Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Catalyst (IBIC)

Dr Alison Maclean / creator and co-host of a women’s health podcast / Between 2 Ovaries

Alison McLoughlin / NIHR Senior Clinical and Research Practitioner Award / East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

Alison Walshe / Assistant Chief Executive / Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Amanda Lamb / CEO / Applied Health Insights

Amanda MacCannell / Co-founder / Pathways Open

Amanda Selvaratnam / Chair / Knowledge Exchange UK

Amber Gill / Social Prescriber / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Amelia Hunt / School Business Manager / University of Salford

Amelia Lake / Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist / Teesside University

Amy Farrington / Head of Business Incubation / Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

Amy Lochtie / Innovation Hub Director / West Yorkshire ICB

Amy Van Zyl / Chief Executive Officer / Her Circle

Ana MacIntosh / Centre for Assuring Autonomy / University of York

Ana Ribeiro / Business Development Manager / Newcastle University

Dr Anastasia Topalidou / Research Fellow / University of Central Lancashire

Anastassia Bolotkova / Business Development / Manchester’s Inward Development Agency (MIDAS) and Board Advisor to IBIC

Andrea Burrows / Research Associate / Teesside University

Andrea Winders / Head of Inward Investment / MIDAS

Dr Angela Parker / Chief Operating Officer, Fylde Coast Clinical Research / Layton Medical Centre, Blackpool

Angela W / Campus and Business Development Manager / STFC

Angie Weeks / Clinical Practitioner / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Anna Wilding / Research Fellow / The University of Manchester

Annalisa Occhipinti / Associate Professor / Teesside University

Anne Barton / Director/ Manchester BRC

Anne-Maree Keenan / Pro-Dean Research and Innovation / University of Leeds

Dr Anne-Marie Cole / Clinical Lead for Respiratory Physical Health and Prevention Team NHS England North East and Yorkshire / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Annemarie Naylor / Director of HealthTech and Innovation Growth / Universitry of Liverpool

Ashley Mewes / Assistant Rewards and Benefit Manager / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Avan Sayer / Director / Newcastle BRC

Ayesha Marshall / Patient Safety Lead Nurse / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust


Barbara Bechter / Professor in Human Resource Management / Durham University

Professor Barbara Hanratty / Professor of Primary Care and Public Health / Newcastle University

Becky Jones-Phillips / Director of Enterprise and Innovation / Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Bency Raseena / Assistant Practice Practice Placement Facilitator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Bernadette Robertson / Senior KTP Manager / Durham University

Beth Halliday / Speech and Language Therapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Beverley Riley / Business Development and Innovation Manager / Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Dr Binita Kane / Consultant Respiratory Physician / Manchester University Hospitals Trust


Camila Caiado / Professor in Statistics / Durham University

Cara Grimwade / PA / Northern Health Science Alliance

Cara Leavey / Public Health PhD student / University of Newcastle

Carol Holland / Chair in Ageing at Centre for Ageing Research / Lancaster University

Carley Gill / Nurse Manager / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Carly Brown / Head of Research Nursing / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Carole Goble / UK Head of Node / ELIXIR

Caroline Rudland / Lead Clinical Scientist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Carolyn Horrocks / Innovation in Health and Life Sciences / University of Liverpool

Cath Booth / CEO / Epistem

Cath O’Neill / Professor of Translational Dermatology / University of Manchester

Catherine Exley / Director of Population Health Sciences / Newcastle University

Catherine van Niekerk / Lead Project Manager / Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre

Cathy Scivier / Chair / n-compass

Charlotte Clarke / Executive Dean / Durham University

Charlotte Kerr / Business Development Manager / Durham University

Charlotte Ollerton / Team Leader / Innovate UK Business Growth

Charlotte Thompson / Senior Communications Officer / Northern Health Science Alliance

Christine Cornforth / Health Researcher / University of Liverpool

Claire Bowie / Regional Partnership Development – Health & Communities / University of Sheffield

Claire Cook / Senior Business Development Manager for SHAPE and CPD / Durham University

Claire Livingstone / Head of Research / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Claire Skaife / Lead Nurse for Quality Improvement – TOPIC / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Clare Adams-Graham / Practice Placement Facilitator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Clare Bambra / Academic Co-director / Health Equity North and Newcastle University

Clare Richards / ThinkPig

Clare Trippett / Principal Strategic Opportunities Manager (Health and Life Sciences) / CPI

Dr Colette Inkson / Innovation and Partnerships Manager / Manchester BRC

Corinne Johnson / Specialist digital midwife / Newcastle Hospitals NHS FT



Dace Dimza-Jones / National Life Sciences Inward Investment Specialist / Department for Business and Trade

Daljeet Bansal / NPIC Operations Director / Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Debbie Abrahams MP / MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth

Denise Ross / Head of Healthcare Professions Academic Development / Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Divia Bhatnagar / Director of Technology / Pupil

Dr Dunni Druwa / Coach and doctor / University of Manchester


Eileen Kaner / Professor of Public Health & Primary Care Research / Newcastle University

Eleanor Bristow / creator and co-host of a women’s health podcast – Between 2 Ovaries

Eleanor Garnett-Bentley / Associate Director / Health Innovation North West Coast (HIN NWC)

Eleni Asimakopoulou / Lecturer in Fire Engineering / University of Central Lancashire

Ellen Hewitt / Head of Innovation and Business Development, Research and Innovation Service / The University of Leeds

Eman Zied / Postdoctoral Researcher / Newcastle University

Emily Ledger / Associate Innovation Manager, / Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)

Emily Rempel / Research Fellow in Public Participation and Data Practices / LCR Civic Data Cooperative

Emily Wood / Senior Research Fellow / University of Sheffield

Emma Barron / Head of Partnerships and Business Development / Teesside University

Professor Emma Boyland / Chair of Food Marketing and Child Health / University of Liverpool

Professor Emma Giles / Professor Integrating Physical and Mental Health, School of Health and Life Sciences / Teesside University

Emma Lewell Buck MP / MP for South Shields

Eva Caamano Gutierrez / Director of Computational Biology facility / Liverpool University

Eve Holt / Head of Policy & Implementation / Greater Manchester Combined Authority


Dr Farnaz Nickpour / Director of The Inclusionaries Lab for Design Research / University of Liverpool

Fatemeh Eskandari / Sheffield Hallam University

Fatima Farah / Corporate Events Manager / Innovate UK North

Felicity Dobrushi / Manager / Toxteth Women’s Centre

Finn Willingham / Operations Manager / Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre

Fiona Frame / Research Development Manager, Biosciences / University of York

Fiona Thistlethwaite / Medical Oncology Consultant, Experimental Cancer Medicine Team / The Christie NHS Foundation Trust


Gail Tunstall / Quality Improvement Facilitator – TOPIC / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Gayle Thompson / Specialist digital midwife / Northumbria Hospitals NHS FT

Gemma Ridley / South Yorkshire Innovation Hub Director / Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber

Gemma Spiers / Principal Research Associate / Newcastle University

George Moulton / Professor of BioHealth Informatics and Education / University of Manchester

Georgina Bascombe / Speech and Language Therapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Gill Thomson / Professor in Perinatal Health / University of Central Lancashire

Gillian Dalgleish / Associate Director / QIAGEN

Gillian Vance / Consultant paediatrician / Great north children’s hospital

Grace Murray / North East and North Cumbria Local Maternity and Neonatal System lead digital midwife for equity and equality / South Tees NHS FT


Hannah Davies / CEO/Executive Director /  NHSA and Health Equity North

Dr Hannah Fairbrother / Member representative / Health Equity North

Hannah Randles / Investment Manager / Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA)

Professor Heather Brown / Professor of Health inequalities / Lancaster University

Heather Mortiboys / Professor of Cellular Neuroscience and Metabolism / The University of Sheffield

Helen Cole / Executive Lead for Health Technologies and Evaluation / Northern Health Science Alliance

Helen Crampin/ National Innovation Centre for Ageing / Newcastle University

Helen Hoyland / Head of Commercial and Digital Innovation / Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber

Dr Helen Moore / Associate Professor / Teesside University

Helen-Ann Hartley / Rt Rev Lord Bishop of Newcastle

Hilary Jane Armstrong / Rt Hon the Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top

Hilary Garrett / EPHC Public Advisor Co-Lead / NIHR ARC North West Coast

Holly Hope / Head Behavioural Scientist at So-Mo and Research Fellow / University of Manchester


Inma Gonzalez Tinoco / Impact and Business Development Manager / University of Liverpool

Ilaria Bellantuono / Professor in Musculoskeletal Ageing / University of Sheffield

Isabel Christie / Wellcome Trust Career Development Researcher / University of Sheffield

Işil Valentina Mirzanli / Enterprise Zone Manager / Manchester Teaching Hospitals


Jacqueline Barry / Chief Clinical Officer / Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult

Jane Green / Strategic lead on emerging technology / West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Jane Greenaway / Associate Director /Tees Valley Research Alliance

Jane Huddleston / Business Liaison Officer at Lancaster University Management School

Jane McDermott / Professor of Practice / Newcastle University

Janet Hemingway / Director, iiCON / Infection Innovation Consortium

Jen Rae / Innovation Programmes Lead / The NP11

Jennet Beesley / CEO / Daresbury Proteins

Jennifer Wood / EPSRC Northern Health Futures (NortHFutures) hub manager / Newcastle University

Jessica Pickles / Inward investment executive / West Yorkshire Combined authority

Jessica Wenmouth / Head of Research Commercialisation / Lancaster University

Jo Knight / Professor in Applied Data Science / Lancaster University

Jo Lally / Patient & Public Involvement and Research Inclusion focus / Newcastle University

Jo Mason / CSO / Novacyt Group

Jo Noble / Directorate Manager / Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust

Jo Rycroft-Malone / Executive Dean and Professor, Faculty of Health & Medicine / Lancaster University

Jo-Anne Smith / Senior Clinical Academic and Registered Dietitian / Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV)

Joanna Ferguson / Public & Community Involvement & Engagement Coordinator / NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester

Joanne Canning / Quality, Assurance and Improvement Matron / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Joanne Lant / Founder & CEO / LantMedical

Joanne McGrath / Post Doctoral Research Associate / Durham University

Joanne Summers / Knowledge Exchange Manager / The University of Manchester

Joanna Solanki / CEO / n-compass

Joanne Wylie / Lead Midwife / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Jody Nichols / Associate Director / Health Innovation NENC

Jordan Duffy / MRes Psychology student / Northumbria University

Judith Rankin / Professor of Maternal & Child Health / Newcastle University

Julia Buckler / Site Director / QIAGEN

Juliana Heggarty / Head of Centre of Excellence – Lipid NanoParticle / CPI

Julie Francis Manampan / Practice Placement Facilitator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust


Kady Louise Calpin-Latif / Specialist digital midwife / County Durham and Darlington Hospitals NHS FT

Karen Bloor / Professor of Health Economics and Policy / University of York

Karen Vella / Education, Learning and Staff Development Director / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Kate Ardern / Director of Public Health / Wigan Council

Kate Lodge / Partnership Director / Health Innovation Leeds

Kate Osborne MP / MP for Jarrow and Gateshead East

Professor Kate Pickett / Academic Co-director / Health Equity North

Dr Kath Mackay / Chief Scientific Officer / Bruntwood SciTech

Katharine Robertson / Head of Campus Development / STFC Business & Innovation

Katharine Sekhar / Health Visitor / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Katherine Birch / Director of the Alder Hey Academy / Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Katherine Boylan – Director of Innovation at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Katherine Royse / Director / STFC Hartree Centre

Kathryn Abel / Research Explorer / University of Manchester

Kathryn Berzins / Reader, School of Nursing and Midwifery / UCLan

Kathy Scott / Deputy CEO / Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Katie Atkinson / Economic Development / Newcastle City Council

Professor Kay O’Halloran / Communication and Media / University of Liverpool

Kerry Keenan / Marketing Manager / STFC

Kim Frost / Program Manager / Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Kim Johnson MP / MP for Liverpool Riverside

Kim Keltie / Lead Healthcare Scientist / The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Kim McGuinness / Mayor of the North East

Kimberley Thomas / Senior parliamentary Caseworker / the Office Of Charlie Dewhirst MP

Kirith Entwhistle MP / MP for Bolton North East

Kirsten Major / Chief Executive / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals


Laura Boyd / Director of Digital Partnerships / Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Laura Hinton / COO / Gentronix, Part of Scantox Group

Laura Kornas / Head of Partnerships and Engagement for Health and Social Care / Lancaster University

Laura McGuire / Assistant Practice Placement Facilitator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Laura Smith / Deputy Dean (Education), Faculty of Medicine and Health / University of Leeds.

Laura Stephenson / Specialist digital midwife / North Tees Hospitals NHS FT

Lauren Haworth / Researcher in the Allied Health Research Unit / UCLan

Professor Lauren Walker / Professor of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics and Internal Medicine / University of Liverpool

Leila Brown / Associate Director, Digital Transformation / Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Linda Olubajo / Business Development Manager / Edge Hill University

Linda Popplewell / Professor of Genetic Medicine / National Horizons Centre

Lindsay Sharples / Associate Director / HIN NWC & Chair of the Liverpool City Region Health Cluster

Lily Mott / Workplace Health PhD Researcher / University of Manchester

Lisa LM Anson / CEO / Redx Pharma

Lisa McGarrigle / Research Fellow / University of Manchester

Lisa Miles / Operational Director / Manchester BRC

Lisa Mundell / Clinical Lead for the Healthy Minds Team / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Liz Ashall-Payne / CEO /Orcha Health

Liz Lightbody / Professor of Stroke Care and Improvement / University of Central Lancashire

Liz Pryde / Head of operations / Devices for Dignity HRC

Lorna Green / CEO / LyvaLabs

Lorna Salvini / creator and co-host of a women’s health podcast / Between 2 Ovaries

Louise Blower / Matron / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Louise Butler / Northern Health Science Alliance

Professor Louise Kenny / Executive Pro Vice Chancellor / University of Liverpool

Dr Louise Wood / Board Member / Northern Health Science Alliance

Lucky Kaur / Executive Assistant / UCLan

Dr Lucie Nield / Senior Lecturer (Public Health) SCHARR / School of Medicine and Population Health, University of Sheffield

Lucy Hope / Founder / The Daughters of Mars

Lynne Corner / Director VOICE / UK’s National Innovation Centre for Ageing


Magan Johansen / PA / Northern Health Science Alliance

Mandeep Bhapra / Speech and Language Therapist with a specialism in upper airway symptoms / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Mandy Armstrong / Lead Nurse Quality Improvement / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Mandy Dixon / Executive Lead for Corporate Engagement and Cluster Development

Professor Maria Bryant / Professor of Public Health Nutrition / University of York

Maria Cruz Villa Uriol / Senior Lecturer / the University of Sheffield

Marie Abbott / PPF Educational Coordinator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Margaret Kingston / Director of Undergraduate Medical Studies / University of Manchester

Marta García-Fiñana / Professor / University of Liverpool

Mary Glindon MP / MP for North Tyneside

Mary Kelly Foy MP / MP for City of Durham

Maya Ellis MP / MP for Ribble Valley

Medina Inamdar / Business Operations Manager / Leeds BRC

Meera Vijayaraghavan / Business Development Manager / Newcastle University

Megan Blake / Senior Lecturer, Department Director of Knowledge Exchange and Impact / University of Sheffield

Dr Megan Wood / Research Fellow / University of Leeds

Melanie Robertson / Chief Nurse Informatics / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Melanie Shield / Senior Commercial Business Manager / Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust

Mhairi Anderson / Operations Manager / Diagnostics North East

Mhairi Murdoch / Project Manager / Northern Health Science Alliance

Dr Michelle Addison / Member representative / Health Equity North

Michelle Dixon / Senior Business Development Manager (Health & Life Sciences) / Durham University

Dr Michelle Stamp / Member representative / Health Equity North

Minna Ell / Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Mohaddeseh Ziyachi / Assistant Professor (Research) in Sociology / Durham University

Molly Jowsey / CEO and Co-founder / Spotlight Health

Monica Jones / Chief Data Officer UOL Associate Director / HDRUK

Myrte Elbers / Reducing Inequalities Lead / Bradford District Craven Health Partnership


Nancy Preston / Professor Supportive and Palliative Care / Lancaster University

Dr Nasima Akhter / Associate Professor of Public Health / Teesside University

Dr Natalie Bennett / Postdoctoral Research Associate / University of Sheffield

Dr Natalie Connor / Research Associate in Public Health / Teesside University

Natalie Jones / Head of Regional Engagement (NW) / EPSRC

Dr Natalie Kenny / CEO / Biograd

Nicola Cassidy / Director / Adjudant Software

Nicola Galley / Knowledge Exchange Manager; Health / The University of Sheffield

Nicola Heron / Chief Strategy Officer / Medicines Discovery Catapult

Professor Nicola Heslehurst / Professor of Maternal and Child Nutrition / Newcastle University

Nicola Mallinson / Specialist digital midwife / North Cumbria Hospitals NHS FT

Dr Nicola Tempest / creator and co-host of a women’s health podcast – Between 2 Ovaries

Nicola Wilson

Dr Nina Zhang / Tenure Track Fellow / University of Liverpool

Noura Al Moubayed / Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science / Durham University


Pamela Shaw / Director / Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre

Paula Rumney / Clinical Team Manager / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Pauline Dixon / Civil Servant


Dr Qian Xiong / Lecturer in Ageing / Lancaster University


Rachael Maskell MP / MP for York Central

Rachel Cooper / Professor of Translational Epidemiology / Newcastle University

Rachel Crossdale / Research Associate / University of Sheffield

Rachel Curwen / Director of Research, Development, Resrach and Innovation Services / University of Leeds

Rachel Loopstra / Lecturer / King’s College London

Rachel Morris / Associate Director & SDE Commercial Lead (NENC) / Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria

Rachel O’Connor / Midwifery Practice Placement Facilitator / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Rachel O’Neill / Specialist digital midwife / Sunderland and South Tyneside Hospitals NHS FT

Rachel Tatters / Clinical Nurse Practitioner & ANC Operational Lead / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Rachel Woolley / Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange / University of Salford

Rebecca Clark / Principal Investigator / Layton Medical Centre / Fylde Coast Clinical Research Ltd

Rebecca Killick / Professor / Lancaster University

Rebecca Wilson / PI DataSHIELD/Tenure Track Fellow / University of Liverpool

Reema Patel / Clinical Director / Reema Physio & Wellness

Roberta Piroddi / Data Scientist / University of Liverpool

Dr Rukmal Abeysekera / Knowledge Transfer Manager, Research Innovation & Knowledge Exchange Directorate / University of York

Dr Ruth Boocock / Associate Professor / Teesside University

Ruth Boston / Head of Communications / Northern Health Science Alliance

Ruth Lister / Baroness Lister of Burtersett

Ruth Roberts / Cofounder / Apconix


Sabina Hawthornthwaite / Programme Manager / IBIC

Samantha Winder / Commercial Programme Manager / Lancaster University

Sally Burton / Professional Lead, Community Services Division / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Sally Sheard / Executive Dean / University of Liverpool

Sally Stewart / Programme Director / North West Secure Data Environment

Samantha Da Costa / Practice Manager in Primary Care & Business Manager Primary Care Network / Primary Care Collaborative

Sarah Danson / Professor of Medical Oncology / The University of Sheffield

Sarah Hall / Director of Strategy for Research Impact / University of Leeds

Sarah Hill / Project Manager / Northern Health Science Alliance

Sarah Jones / Innovation Manager / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust

Sarah Leo / Head of Research Operations / Alder Hey

Sarah Matthews / ABC Admin Support / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Sarah Rodgers / Professor / University of Liverpool

Sarah Scally / International Partnerships Manager / Manchester Met

Sarah Shaw / Senior Partner and Co-Investigator / Layton Medical Centre

Sarah Tooze / Faculty Engagement and Partnership Manager (Faculty for Arts and Social Sciences) / Lancaster University

Seònaid Lafferty / Programme Manager / University of Liverpool

Sharon Brown / Innovation Hub Manager / South Tees NHS FT

Sharon Hodgson MP / MP for Washingtonb and Gateshead South

Shauna Roberts / Directorate Manager / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Shelina Visram / Senior lecturer in public health / Newcastle University

Dr Sofia Buncy / Founder / Muslim Women in Prison Project

Soo Downe / Professor / UCLan

Dr Sophie Wickham / Tenure Track Research Fellow / University of Liverpool

Sorrel Burden / Senior Clinical Lecturer in Dietetics / University of Manchester

Dr Srijana Gautam / Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Stacey Hunter / Chief Executive Officer / South Tees NHS FT

Stella James / Executive Director / Bionow

Steph Oliver-Beech / Healthtech Regional Lead / West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Steph Scott / Senior Lecturer in Public Health / Newcastle University

Sue Davies / Events Manager / STFC

Sue Wood / Head of Operations / NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester

Susan Cochran / MPharm Programme Director / The University of Manchester

Susan McAteer / Director, Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre Network Coordination / Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult

Susan Smith / Commercialisation Manager, Faculty of Health / University of Sheffield

Suzanne Mason / Professor of Emergency Medicine / University of Sheffield


Tallie Bush / COO and Co-founder / Circadacare

Tiffany Thorn / Founder and CEO / BiVictriX Therapeutics Ltd

Tine Buffel / Professor of Sociology and Social Gerontology / The University of Manchester

Tracy Brabin / Mayor of West Yorkshire

Trish Bennett / Director / Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Dr Vania Vieria / Senior Partnerships Development Manager / University of Liverpool

Varaidzo (Vee) Mapunde / Co-Director / Leeds Healthtech Research Centre

Vic Ord / Specialist Lead Respiratory Physiotherapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Vic Simmons / Senior Head of Communications / Bradford District Craven Health Partnership

Vickey Cowens / Clinical Team Manager, CBT & EMDR Therapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Vikki Rand / Director of the National Horizons Centre / Teesside University

Vicky Hincks / Invest & Internationalisation – Life Sciences / LCRCA

Vicky Sheard / iMATCH Programme Manager (Accelerating patient access to Advanced Therapies) / The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Victoria Day / Head of Advanced Therapies / NHSBT Cellular & Molecular Therapies

Victoria Hand / Knowledge Exchange Lead / Sheffield University

Victoria Jackson – Chief Operating Officer at Globachem

Professor Vikki Rand / Director of the National Horizons Centre / Teesside University


Wendy Tindale / Director of Innovation / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals


Yan Cunningham / Advanced Clinical Practitioner / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Yvonne Hung / Innovation Development Manager / MMU

Yvonne Kuma / Head of IP & Commercialisation (Interim) / UCLan


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