
Liverpool's impressive health science portfolio includes personalised health, tropical medicine and pharmacogenomics. It hosts the Wolfson Centre for Personalised Medicine, the MRC Drug Safety Science Centre and is home to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.


Centres and Institutions

Alder Hey Children's Hospital:

Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is one of Europe’s biggest and busiest children’s hospitals, we treat everything from common illnesses to highly complex and specialist conditions. Explore this section to learn more about what we do.

Centre of Excellence in Infectious Diseases Research:

A joint centre between The University of Liverpool and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) to address the urgent need to develop new antimicrobials and accelerate solutions for existing and emerging infections.

Centre for Genomic Research:

Home to one of four MRC genomics hubs in the UK.

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine:

One of four UK research institutions funded by the Wellcome Trust to become Centres for Research in Clinical Tropical Medicine.

Innovation Agency :

The Innovation Agency, Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast covers Cheshire, Merseyside, Lancashire and South Cumbria, with 4.1 million residents. Its footprint includes 22 NHS providers, 20 CCGs, nine universities and life science industry partners.

Wolfson Centre for Personalised Medicine:

Home to the NHS Chair in Pharmacogenetics – the first and only such position in the country.

Liverpool Cancer Research UK Centre:

The only centre funded by North West Cancer Research.

Liverpool Health Inequalities Research Institute (LivHIR):

One of eight leading academic centres with excellence in applied public health research in England.

Centre for Better Births:

Largest maternity unit in the UK with international programme on global maternal health.

Bio-manufacturing cluster:

One of the leading clusters in Europe with major companies such as Eli Lilly, Actavis, Astra Zeneca and Novartis alongside a rapidly expanding biotechnology community, many healthcare companies and a strong analytical and clinical supply presence.

Liverpool Research Support Office:

The office manages up to 2,000 live grants and has a 50% success rate.

Tesco Dairy Centre of Excellence:

Ground-breaking collaboration with industry.

Liverpool Health Partners, an Academic Health Science System:

Establishment of a unique academic partnership to align research, education and healthcare delivery similar to that offered by AHSCs.

NWHTMR, is a collaboration between the Universities of Liverpool, Lancaster and Bangor:

One of eight MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research.

MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science:

A Joint venture between the Universities of Liverpool and Manchester, the UK’s only MRC Centre for Drug safety Science.

MRC Arthritis Research UK Centre:

A collaboration between Universities of Liverpool, Newcastle and Sheffield, one of two MRC Arthritis Research UK Centres for research into musculoskeletal ageing.

Centre for Nanomedicine:

Host to the British Society for Nanomedicine.

LiLaC collaboration with the University of Lancaster:

One of eight NIHR funded centres for Public Health research.

Liverpool Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care:

Nine CLAHRCs have been established, to undertake high-quality research. Supported by the NIHR, with funding from the Department of Health.

Walton Centre:

The only specialist hospital Trust in the UK dedicated to providing comprehensive neurology, neurosurgery, spinal and pain management services.

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre:

One of the largest networked cancer centres in the UK. Treating over 30,000 patients a year from 10 sites, offering pioneering chemotherapy, radiotherapy and proton therapy treatments.

Sci-Tech Daresbury:

One of two National Science and Innovation Campuses. It is internationally recognised through the reputation of the STFC Daresbury Laboratory and Cockcroft Institute in leading-edge research and development.

Genomic Medicine Centre:

Eleven Genomic Medicine Centres (GMCs) were established in December 2014 by NHS England. These centres will lead the way in delivering the 100,000 Genomes Project.

Sensor City:

Global Hub for Sensor Technologies to help inventions go from the lab to the factory even faster and act as a shop window for foreign investment into the city’s high tech start-ups.

Liverpool University:

Liverpool University's world-renowned health and life science research underpins its programmes, which focus clearly on the needs of clinicians, patients and services.

North West Hub for Trials Methodology (NWHTMR):

The MRC NWHTMR is a collaboration between the Universities of Liverpool, Lancaster, Bangor and Manchester, involving experts in medical statistics, clinical trial methodology, pharmacoeconomics, sociology and clinical psychology.

NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections:

The overarching aim of this HPRU is to support and strengthen PHE in its role of protecting England from emerging and zoonotic infections.

NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Gastrointestinal Infections:

The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Gastrointestinal Infections will explore and explain the distribution of diarrhoeal diseases in the population, establishing for whom the disease burden is greatest and why.

UK Experimental Arthritis Treatment Centre for Children:

This consortium has resulted in a major step forward in establishing an internationally competitive platform for early translational and experimental medicine in childhood arthritis and related rheumatic and musculoskeletal health.

Wellcome Trust Liverpool Glasgow Centre for Global Health Research:

The (WTCGHR) is a collaborative centre between the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the University of Liverpool and the University of Glasgow Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology.

NIHR Medicines for Children Research Network:

Created by the alignment of the Medicines for Children Research Network (MCRN) and the Paediatric (non-medicines) Specialty Group into one specialty covering all of children’s research.

Centre for Preclinical Imaging:

This centre aims to provide the expertise and infrastructure for non-invasive imaging in pre-clinical models to the research community at the University of Liverpool and its academic and industrial partners in the vicinity.

Centre for Proteome Research:

A laboratory addressing a range of challenges in proteomics and protein mass spectrometry as applied to biology and biomedical sciences.

Liverpool Regenerative Medicine Network:

The Regenerative Medicine Network is a group of leading academics based at the University of Liverpool, dedicated to harnessing the curative potential of stem cells to improve human health.

Liverpool Neuroscience Group:

A University of Liverpool-led initiative, established to identify and develop the existing expertise in the field of Neuroscience and mental health in the Merseyside area.

Materials Innovation Factory:

A world-leading centre offering multi-disciplinary research expertise, unparalleled facilities and dynamic support infrastructure that can revolutionise research and development.


Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust:

Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is one of Europe’s biggest and busiest children’s hospitals, we treat everything from common illnesses to highly complex and specialist conditions. Explore this section to learn more about what we do.

Royal Liverpool Dental Hospital:

Caters to an extensive variety of dental health needs.

Broadgreen Hospital:

Recently refurbished with the latest in diagnostic testing technology.

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