Meet the Team

The Northern Health Science Alliance Ltd is a membership organisation. Its board and council represent the leaders from the North's top research universities and research intensive teaching hospitals

Our Team

Hannah Davies

Hannah Davies

Chief Executive for NHSA and Executive Director of Health Equity North

Hannah has led the Northern Health Science Alliance’s (NHSA) health inequalities work from launching the 2018 Health for Wealth report to the most recent Health Equity North Woman of the North report, developing relationships with academics, government and other stakeholders. Hannah is also Executive Director of Health Equity North.

Dr Mandy Dixon

Dr Mandy Dixon

Executive Lead for Corporate Engagement and Cluster Development

Mandy has worked within the health & life sciences sector for over 25 years, with a career spanning the NHS & higher education. She has a wealth of experience in bringing together industry, academia & the health sector to develop strategic partnerships & deliver successful collaborations & projects.

Dr Ben Martyn

Dr Ben Martyn

Executive Lead for Investment and International Partnerships

Ben promotes the North internationally as a global research and innovation hub to attract research and inward investment, find global solutions to unmet need in the NHS and develop international research partnerships.

Helen Cole

Helen Cole

Executive Lead for Health Technologies and Evaluation

Helen began her career as a medical physicist in the NHS and over the past two decades has specialised in medtech evaluation, working within the regulatory, procurement, commissioning and NHS provider landscapes. Her last role was Head of an External Assessment Centre for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Ruth Boston

Ruth Boston

Head of Communications

Ruth has over a decade of experience in the media industry, starting her career as a news journalist before moving into PR. She has worked at one of the North East’s leading communications agencies and as a freelance communications specialist. She has developed and delivered a wide range of regional and national PR campaigns.

Alexis Darby

Alexis Darby

Head of Public Affairs

Prior to joining the NHSA Alexis worked for the Northern Powerhouse Partnership and managed the Policy@Manchester team at The University of Manchester, she has also worked for Members of Parliament and a political party in research and campaign roles.

Sean Collins

Sean Collins

Senior Designer

Sean worked as a Graphic Artist at ncjMedia for 20 years before becoming a Freelance Illustrator, during which time his clients included Dorling Kindersley, Cambridge University Press, Financial Times and Morrisons.

Charlotte Thompson

Charlotte Thompson

Senior Communications Officer

Charlotte has extensive experience in communications, having previously worked in the NHS and local authorities prior to joining the NHSA.

Mhairi Murdoch

Mhairi Murdoch

Project Manager

Mhairi has a varied background within in the Health and Social Care sector, working previously in the events department for the strategic body for workforce development in adult social care in England and prior to that working on the frontline within the NHS.

Sarah Hill

Sarah Hill

Project Manager

Sarah was a medical research scientist for many years before becoming an administrator to support local clinical research in the Northeast. For the last 13 years she has worked with the NIHR Clinical Research Networks, the AHSN, and the NHSA and has extensive communications and project management experience.

Vanessa Nolan

Vanessa Nolan

Office Manager

Vanessa has over 30 years’ experience in office work across a variety of sectors most recently working in the third sector and healthcare.

Magan Johansen

Magan Johansen

Executive Assistan

Magan has had a varied career after achieving an English literature degree and most recently gained a copywriting diploma, joining the NHSA in 2023 as Executive Assistant to the Executive Team.

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