NHSA Newsletter - June 2020
The latest health research news and updates from across the North of England
Read the articleComment, analysis and news about the Northern Health Science Alliance and its members. For NHSA media enquiries, contact: ruth.boston@theNHSA.co.uk
The latest health research news and updates from across the North of England
Read the articleBLOG: Lisa Butland on how rapid deployment of technology is helping to keep older people connected
Read the articleThe NHSA has welcomed three new directors to take forward the organisation
Read the articleNew analysis shows North is being hit hard by COVID19 and its effects will last longer in the region
Read the articleNHSA healthy ageing delegation fosters international collaboration links with Canada
Read the articlePan-Northern £3.4m health data initiative to address major health challenges
Read the articleManchester and Newcastle partnerships designated as Academic Health Science Centres
Read the articleNew resources to specifically address the challenges faced by frontline workers responding to COVID-19.
Read the articleA collation of offers from the tech industry to support local governments response to COVID-19.
Read the article