Mental Health
The Mental Health Network has 36 current participants from 16 different Member Organisations.
The NHSA’s Northern Mental Health Network was initiated when Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Trust (RDaSH) and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) joined the NHSA and has since developed significantly. The network now has over 80 registered members, including representation from all the northern mental health trusts, Academic Health Science Network (AHSNs) and the majority of our university members. We have recently engaged regional and national organisations such as the national NIHR Mental Health Implementation Network (MHIN), the northern National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaborations, NIHR Clinical Research Networks (CRNs), and selected northern Integrated Care Board mental health leads.
With input from the network, the NHSA has produced a roadmap for establishing a Northern Innovation Accelerator for Mental Health (NIAMH). This Accelerator will focus on attracting national and international companies to the North, bringing their mental health innovations for evaluation and potential adoption. The concept of, and roadmap for, a northern Accelerator for Mental Health Innovation is gaining traction and Phase One launched in March 2023, led by the NHSA and RDASH and supported by the NIHR CRN for Yorkshire and Humber.